Sunday, May 24, 2009

I'm BACK!!

It has been a while since my last post..1 whole bloody month, and here i am today...bored in what the hell right...i shall rent and bitch about what has been going on in my world for the past month.

To start it all, one of the main reasons of my absence is, MY FREAKING LAPTOP AND HANDPHONE F**KING crashed on me, 24hours between each other...seriously like WTF right!!!! Only god knows what the hell went wrong, but from the technical aspect, my mother board died for ma lappy and the software for my phone crashed. Because of this crap, i roughly lost about 500 cell phone numbers...Yes..yes..i know i should have backed up my number, but what can you do top things of by not having the Internet, i can tell you for a fact i was bored out of my bloody mind at home...come to think of it, because of technology we get so dependent on it that we cant seem to survive without it....but thankfully although the bored crashed nothing happened to my hard disc and my 10gigs worth of songs are still here....wohooo!!!!

Other than that, life has been pretty much normal for me, being in college, still hating it, cant wait to finish up and start working again.... I totally miss working and earning my own money. Being independent is a total trill...providing for ones self is very can do what you want without answering to anyone and when you want to do it...but the scary thing has been going through my mind is, can i secure a job for myself in this screwed up world of ours??? Coming to think of it, to live the life that my parents has provided for me is freaking costly...if my calculations are correct, i need to earn roughly about 4thousand a month to live comfortably....and the this question comes to mind....Am i really that expensive??
No matter what i'm still thankful for what i have been given and i can only hope to give the same of more to my own family later on in life.

Btw, recently my mum stayed with my brother and I for a week while my dad was in japan, and i must say it was kinda fun having her around...although i was bored out of my mind because i was at home most of the time and not out playing snooker with the guys....Now i realise what a joy it is to have my mum with me for a week, now that she is leaving back to penang today, it will be very quiet not having her around...but all good things always come to an end.

well i'm getting bored again...until next time...........

Friday, April 17, 2009


Well, about 2 to 3 weeks back, a good friend messaged me over msn after a long time of not chatting to each other after such a long time...... well to start we were chatting with each other for more than 3 hours, which totally awesome. had loads to catch up on.....And i must say she has excellent taste in music. She introduced me to a few songs from this wonderful musical called Wicked. The lyrics was done by Stephen Schwartz, who I must say is a brilliant man.
One of their advertisements for the play

The play itself.

Even though I myself have not seen this musical, but listening to the songs that was given to me I can imagine the intensity and energy that was brought by their voices from the characters. Their voices were so powerful and yet at the very same time made it so beautiful and heart warming.

Other than that, my friend also rekindled my love for Lea Salonga's voice. She is such a small women, but DAMN!!!!! she has a big voice. She sang one song called Two Words from her album Inspired, which I must say is one of her very best. if you go on youtube just search for Two words and you will see a video of her singing to her husband during her wedding. I must say this is the most beautiful way to say I DO to the person you love the most in this entire world. It is trult inspiring that how this two simple words can have so much meaning. Seriously go check it out, you will not regret it.


For the past 2 days since my last post, I've been having trouble writing stuff to post....And one of the main blocks stopping me from doing so was coming out with the proper title for each post. Its actually very irritating being unable to write a suitable title for each post. For me its important to have a good title. Well that was my teachers taught me in school, and yet a good title does make a post interesting or not. Because of that I've been having trouble blogging.

I would like to thank everyone who has stopped by my page sparing a few minutes from all your busy schedules to read what I have to say....Many thanks safe and god bless

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


It's kinda scary to think that, Easter just passed, and it like just yesterday when lent started... Coming to think of it, Easter has evolved from being a scared celebration to something so commercialized that everyone celebrates. I mean to sound selfish, but the mean has tainted the true meaning of Easter. Where on earth did the Easter Bunny come from?? Seriously, it's a media hype, and a damn good one too.

Coming back to Easter, it a celebration where it is said that christ was raised from the dead, three days after his death. And then a new year for the church begins. It can be said to be the most important occasion in the entire catholic calender. More important than christmas, which is also overly hyped by the media. A great power and strength is shown, whereby a son would put his fathers own will before him. The driving factor of his love for his people is truly amazing, that one can give his life to save those he loves the most. This feat is truly magnificient in its own way.

We can only hope to able to achieve or sacrifice the ammount that he has for all of us in our own life time. Taking all the pains of the world upon oneself so that the rest will not suffer.

This is what true love is all about.

Monday, April 13, 2009


To create a blog or not to create a blog....that was one of many questions I had to personally ask myself over the past 3 weeks. In the end I gave in and HERE IT IS....MY BLOG!!!!!


It feels very different and weird writing a paragraph where I wont be graded or scrutinized for what I think and feel to everything that is going on around me. Being the person that I am, I have always had the perception that blogs are used by individuals to be their own "bitching post" to say what one wants to say. But that was at the beginning when blogs were first created. However, now blogs are used to promote companies, business and oneself.

Well, the purpose of this blog is to share with everyone out there who is willing to spend some of their time to read about a person who is something like them in more ways than one, but at the same is very different and unique.